Arrivals & Departures

Yanamilla Airport (AYP)


Ayacucho, Peru

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Elevation: 8917ft

UTC: -5 Hours

The city near Yanamilla Airport (AYP) is Ayacucho, Peru. Ayacucho is located in the central-south region of the country and is known for its colonial-era architecture, vibrant culture, and lively festivals. The city is the capital of the Ayacucho region and has a population of around 140,000 people. It is a popular tourist destination, offering visitors a variety of attractions, including churches, museums, and cultural festivals. The city is also known for its traditional crafts and cuisine, which includes dishes such as ceviche, tamales, and empanadas.

Airport Directions

The best way to get to Yanamilla Airport (AYP) is by car. The estimated cost of a one-way trip is around $50-$60, depending on the route taken and the type of car rented. Alternatively, you can take a bus to the airport. Buses to Yanamilla Airport (AYP) are available from major cities and the cost of a one-way trip is usually around $10-$15. Train travel is also an option, although there are no direct trains to the airport. You can take a train to nearby towns and then take a taxi or bus to the airport. The estimated cost of a one-way trip by train and taxi or bus is around $20-$25. Finally, you can take a taxi directly to the airport. The cost of a one-way trip from nearby cities is usually around $20-$25.

Airport Terminals & Airlines

The following airlines have flights departing from the Yanamilla Airport (AYP):? LATAM Airlines Peru ? Sky Airlines Peru ? Avianca Peru ? Star Peru ? Peruvian Airlines ? LC Peru ? LATAM Express ? Viva Air Peru

Airport Address

The address of Yanamilla Airport (AYP) is Yanamilla Airport, Yanamilla, India. The telephone number is +91-800-832-1010 and the email address is The opening hours are from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM, seven days a week.

Airport Lost & Found

The Lost & Found office at Yanamilla Airport (AYP) is located at the following address: Yanamilla Airport, Av. Huallaga 590, Yanamilla, Peru. The telephone number is +51 066 795-1234 and the opening hours are Monday to Sunday, 8am to 8pm.

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